University Education:
Dipl. Civil Engineer
Structural Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.), 2003
Postgraduate Diploma in “Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures” (ADERS), School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.), 2005
Thesis: Inelastic design and response of two low-ductility concrete buildings sited in a high seismicity region
Professional Registration
Registered Professional Engineers: Technical Chamber of Greece (2004)
Society of Civil Engineers of Greece (2004)
Participations on Greek Symposiums
P. Kalderis, C. Zeris: “Inelastic design and response of two low-ductility concrete buildings sited in a high seismicity region”, 15th Greek Congress on Concrete Structures, Alexandroupolis 2006.
P. Kalderis, A. Iliopoulos: “Precast slabs with linear voids (Hollow-Core Slabs)”, Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering (LEE), NTUA School of Civil Engineering 2011.
Summary of Experience
Full member of design department of “Top Element S.A.”
Top Element S.A. was a precast construction company specialized in all kinds of buildings using precast concrete. Offices located in Athens, Factory in Boiotia. Several precast buildings, bridges e.t.c. have been constructed by Top Element all around Greece.
Main topics:
- Preliminary design of buildings for cost analysis
- Structural analysis & design of buildings using precast elements
- Issuing building construction Licenses
- Reinforcement detailing of shop drawings for production
- Consulting support in site
- Research and development on precast detailing
During collaboration with Top Element SA, above all, it was an opportunity to be specialized in structural analysis of precast buildings and in construction details of each precast element. Main topics of involvement were Preliminary design, Structural design, issuing construction Licenses, Precast detailing of shop drawings, consulting support at site. Main categories of buildings were Industrial -single or multi-story- with heavy loads, schools, residences, offices, bridges etc, all precast using reinforced-prestressed concrete.
Collaboration with MECS Ltd., the private technical design office of Prof. S. Tsoukantas.
Member of the Design team, Athens
Main topics:
- Participation in design/studies of various projects
- Precast analysis & design of precast buildings
- Detailed analysis & design of precast-prestressed elements for production
- Further precast construction detailing
During collaboration with MECS Ltd., it was an opportunity to be further specified in structural design principals of precast buildings and in precast construction details. Office was collaborating with many Greek precast companies and team main involvement was collaborating also with “Precast India” and “KEF Infra”, both precast construction companies in India. During those years main topic was providing detailed design studies and further construction details and shop drawings for production of various projects in India, such as Industrial buildings, multi-story Parking buildings etc.
From 2022 onwards
Collaboration with PrecastEvo Ltd.
Member of the precast design team, Athens
PrecastEvo is a private technical design company, involved also in specialized technical equipment for buildings, located in Athens.
Main topics:
- Structural design of buildings
- Detailed drawings of precast elements for production
- Further construction details & consultancy
- Preliminary design of projects
During last years we have developed our design team, already working together for over 20 years, specialized in precast design. Collaborating with many Greek precast construction Companies, my main involvement is in structural analysis & design of precast buildings, starting from preliminary stage analysis up to the final design and construction details.
Language skills
Greek: mother language
English: fluently